Try without risk and liabilities

To verify, how cooperation with Cleanhouse can help your company to perform more efficiently, we offer the audit of your facilities and territory management free of charge. The audit includes:

– assesment of staff efficiency. We will evaluate the number of workers that participate in cleaning and management of company facilities, as well as skills and knowledge of staff, giving our evaluation on options to raise staff efficiency and decrease expenses.

– analysis of expenses required for management of facilities. We will assess your expenses related to services of facilities cleaning and management, indicating unnecessary expenses and giving recommendations on how to decrease them.

– analysis of energy efficiency in the facilities. We will define the possible improvements in energy efficiency, indicate the options to spare some money for electricity, water and other services.

– assesment of outsourcing expenses. We will assess functions and expenses provided by your current service provider and will provide you with Cleanhouse offer within your current budget.

We will provide reasonable offer on how to solve issues, use your opportunities and improve arranging of facility management, at the same time minimizing your expenses. Call (+371) 67381991 or send your application to!